David and Sue Gossman have a long history of business development and operation along with familial connections to the aerospace industry via fathers who were both Air Force engineers. Sue's father, Walter Dunn, US Air Force Structures Division, provided structures engineering for USAF aircraft. Significant projects included the F-111, the A-10, and the F-117, in addition to being "borrowed" by NASA for the Space Shuttle. He even tasked David (without David realizing it) for some ideas for solutions to problems involved in the EF-111 and the F-117. David's father was the chief electrical engineer for the ground systems for the Dyna-Soar, the Air Force precursor to the Space Shuttle. David’s father then pursued careers in Air Force reconnaissance systems and the electronic warfare systems, particularly the EF-16.
David's career started with performing data analysis of nuclear spectra while an undergraduate at Michigan State University. He quickly moved to operating the 50 MeV cyclotron and then on to the cyclotron engineering staff maintaining the existing cyclotron. He published his first paper when he then worked on the next generation superconducting cyclotron. This system was used to measure the extremely high magnetic field in the superconducting magnets used to build the new 500 MeV cyclotron.
After completing his BS and MS in Interdisciplinary Physical Sciences he began his first career in developing solutions to industrial and hazardous waste disposal, recycling and reuse. In 1988, he and his wife started their first business, Gossman Consulting, Inc., a recognized leader in providing technical services to the cement industry and others regarding waste recycling and reuse. He has provided this technical consulting to over 100 industrial plants worldwide, across the US, Europe, South America, the Gulf regions, Asia, and Australia and still provides occasional consulting and teaching services in these fields.
In 2004, he and Sue established their own testing laboratory, ChemRight Laboratories, Inc., a bucket-list goal for any dedicated analytical chemist. Sue, a systems analyst, not only developed and wrote their own LIMS (laboratory information management system) but also continues to manage operations for the laboratory, in addition to their various other businesses. David acts as Quality Control Manager and instrumentation trouble-shooter for the lab.
Following a fascinating and highly successful investigation into a multi-million dollar explosion of a railcar in Indiana, he turned to his next career in chemical and environmental forensics. With Gossman Forensics, a division of ChemRight Labs, David provides advanced expert witness services and testimony. He deals with issues such as the causes of explosions, worker chemical exposure issues, and pollution investigations. In both these careers, risk assessment and management have been key issues. He has performed risk assessments in the US and Europe and taught classes on risk assessment techniques in the Middle East (Gulf region) and China.
He is now moving on to advanced materials science R&D based on his discovery of a new synthesis route to graphite and graphene. As a multi-disciplinary research area, this fits closely with his Master’s thesis on trans-disciplinary research management (this link takes you to David's original personal website. Please use your browser's back button to return.).